There used to be a time when you had to choose between a home looking great and meeting your functional requirements. Now1 you can have the best of both worlds with a custom home. Here’s how to balance form and function home design in your custom home.

What is Form & Function?

Form and function are design principles that will inevitably find their way into your home design. They aren’t something you can avoid because they are critical to the process of creating your home.

Function, just as it sounds, is the functional elements of your home. This includes things like storage spaces, but also the layout of your space, and the way a room is used. Form is the aesthetics, the art elements you add to your home. This includes things like artsy architecture and molding, as well as color schemes, textiles, and patterns used throughout your home.

Form and function go hand in hand. If your home is built only with form in mind, it won’t be very practical and may have issues with proportions and accessibility. If you only build with function, it won’t have that comfortable “homey” feeling.

How to Balance Them
Plan Function First

While form and function go hand in hand, function is much more valuable. A home whose layout and design are highly functional is much more appealing to everyone, including future homebuyers if you choose to sell. There’s a reason the saying goes, “form follows function.”

So before you can design the space you want, you need to determine the primary function of each space in your home. It’s essential to plan for people and purpose before you even begin to think about color schemes or pillow patterns. We know those are the most exciting parts of the process, but if you don’t understand what the room is used for, there’s no way to add the right accent pieces.

Match Home Features with Lifestyle

As you think about the function of each room, also think about how you live your life. Are you a “homebody” that likes to spend their free time at home with a good book? Do you work from home and need a quiet space for an office? Are you a world-class host that likes to have dinner parties every Friday?

These are all considerations you need to think about so you (and your family) feel comfortable in your home now and in the future. If you host dinner parties often, then a dining room will be essential for your home, as well as maybe an open layout so you can easily mingle with your guests. Thinking about how you want to live your life in your home will also help you determine added luxuries you need and items you can maybe live without.

Figure Out What You Love

While function is important to think about and get right, spend time considering the aesthetics of your home as well. Decide what you love and what you gravitate towards, and let that influence your decisions.

Neutral color walls are very popular, but if you love color, don’t be afraid to go with what you love! It’s important to feel comfortable and happy in your home. Figuring out what you love will help your home design feel like a reflection of you rather than a random stranger.

Share Your Vision

A trusted and reputable home builder will always seek your suggestions and take your input to heart. The discussion you have with them is integral to creating a unique custom home of which you can be completely proud of.

So don’t be afraid to ask questions and offer ideas. Your builder can also discuss popular additions and amenities you might not have considered. Having open conversations about your home design with your builder will set the stage for a stand-out custom home that accurately reflects your lifestyle and personality.

Ridgeline Homes is Ready to Bring Your Ideas to Life

Balancing form and function is crucial to home design but will look different for each family. No matter how you want your custom home to balance pretty and practical, Ridgeline Homes is ready to build your dream home. Let us show you how simple and enjoyable custom homeownership can be. We’re based in Montrose, Colorado, and are ready to start this exciting process with you.

 Get Started with Us today!