One of the most important choices you will make in the new home process is the lot on which you will have the home built. It takes careful consideration, so here are some things to think about to ensure you choose the best lot for your new construction home.

Ask About the Development Plan

If your builder has a new home community for you to choose your lot from, you should ask them what the plans are. Depending on the age of the development, your home could be one of the first, and the community may change from the time you build to the time the builder is finished developing the subdivision. Ask your builder what the goal is for the subdivision and get as much information as you can to help you decide on the best lot. If they can show you a map, even better! Knowing what is expected and where everything will be is an important consideration in your decision.

Think About Traffic and Noise Levels

Are traffic and other industrial noises going to bother you while living in your home? If so, you may want to think about where the lot for your new construction home is in conjunction with traffic.

Typically, lots closer to the entrance of a development or next to a road will experience more traffic, and therefore more noise. Cul-de-sacs are popular choices among families with young children, as there tend to be fewer cars driving around. Corner lots, while dealing with traffic from two sides, usually have larger yards. Consider if the larger yard is worth having some extra noise.

If you’re choosing a lot in a home community still under construction, consider construction noises as well. Choosing a lot that’s empty on all sides may mean privacy now, but you’ll be dealing with construction noises in the future. A lot that’s close to other finished homes means the construction noises could be limited.

Think About the Sun

Yep – the sun and your home’s orientation play important roles in choosing the right lot! Your home’s orientation has an effect on how much sunlight the home receives throughout the day, as well as energy efficiency, home maintenance, and more.

If it’s important to you that your home gets a lot of sun, or certain parts of your home get more sun than others, try choosing a lot that will have those sections situated in sunnier directions. Typically, that means the south and west, as those get the most sun exposure. Don’t forget where the sun will be in relation to your outdoor spaces! If you like to spend a lot of time outside on your patio but don’t want the sun glaring in your face in the evening, choose a west-facing home. You’ll enjoy the sun during the day, and the backyard will be shaded as the sun goes down.

Consider the Topography

When choosing the right lot for your new construction home, don’t forget to factor in the topography. If the ground slopes one way, it could have an effect on the drainage of your property. Slopes could also affect the vision of your dream yard. If you want a set of swings or a play set for your kiddos, you’ll want a lot that’s fairly flat. A sloping yard could alter or cancel that plan altogether. Knowing ahead of time as much as possible what you might want to have in your yard will help you decide on a lot that fits your needs as closely as possible.

Think About the Views

When choosing the right lot, think about the views from your home and how important that is to you. If you’re not wanting mountain views, that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about. But you still may want your backyard looking out into trees or a park. If you are looking for mountain views, consider it might be a bit more expensive for the great views. Or if you’re choosing a lot in a builder home community, the views could be covered up by a new construction home.

Consider Your Lifestyle

We mentioned little bits of this throughout this article, but one of the crucial aspects of choosing the right lot is considering your lifestyle. If you have small children, a lot away from busy streets with a bigger yard may be ideal for you. Or if you’re an outdoorsy person, choosing a lot that’s close to golf courses or hiking trails is likely the best fit. Look to your own family lifestyle to determine what type of lot and street configuration would work best for you.

Ready to Choose Your Lot?

If you’re ready to choose your lot and start building your new construction home in beautiful, Montrose, Colorado, you’ve come to the right place! Ridgeline Homes is ready to help you choose the perfect lot in one of our communities, build your dream home, and help your vision come to life. Let us show you how stress-free building a custom home can be. We’re based in Montrose and are ready to start this exciting process with you.

Build with us!